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“The Professor” has been pursuing knowledge as an independent scientist since the 1970s. He has always worked alone and never accepted funding from Federal or other government sources. He is known and respected internationally as a top level Tier 1 scientist in many fields. His many major discoveries have made great impacts on the world. These include discoveries in the fields of energy, space travel, Space Science and Astrophysics, Prime Numbers, Archaeology and more. He has advanced the knowledge created by such minds as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein. He spent 10 years of his lengthy career teaching University level Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Astronomy and another 25 years as a principle engineer in the telecommunications industry with specialties in computer security, encryption and telecommunications protocols.He also has emerging technologies that are disruptive game changers in many fields. This web page has over 15 Gigabytes of information so plan on spending some time here. If you are looking for 15 second tick tok content then you are in the wrong place. He hosts the weekly internationally acclaimed commercial free radio show “The James McCanney Science Hour – At the Crossroads” airing from WWCR Shortwave Station Nashville, TN since the year 2000 and also hosts his weekly Television show "Masters of Science with Professor James McCanney" out of the Bold Brave TV Studios New York City, NY. He is a favorite guest on radio and TV shows having also been featured on prime time Japanese and Russian television, History Channel series and has presented his work at Los Alamos National Laboratory, American Geophysical Union conferences, International Electric Propulsion Conferences and other venues. He offers many products on this page that you will not find anywhere else including his patented JMCC WING generator and related energy products, his line of water filter products, education materials with lectures and his library of original books and education package with CDs DVDs Posters and hundreds of lectures for adults and students.
See my new eDVD release “Eclipsed – The New Cosmology” which is a course for interested students of the topic. It shows how standard cosmology has finally run its course and no one believes it any more..
This is a photo of comet Holmes. I did a lot of radio shows when this comet went viral. I actually predicted the exact date because it was in a perfect electrical alignment in the solar system but..
On any given day there can be as many as 50 active volcanoes in locations around the globe. It is comical to see people trying to relate these to particular events or increase in..
As reported on my radio show the state of Tennessee has a bill moving through the legislature that will ban chem trails in their state. This raises many questions about who controls the air space over states. Is it..
James Webb Telescope data is being interpreted by scientists at the University of Cambridge to suggest there is confirmation of life on a planet K2-18b, also known as EPIC 201912552 b..
In my original papers (the famous 3 part comet paper - reprinted in the appendix of my book "Planet X Comets and Earth Changes") I predicted that there will be discovered a "Nebular Ion Cloud" of dust..
Join us now every week Tuesday Evenings at 7 PM Eastern Time for one hour of pure science. Professor McCanney is a world renowned Physicist and Mathematician who has made ground breaking discoveries in multiple fields, many of which rocked the foundations of western knowledge. He has always worked independently...