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Copyright Notice

Copyright – Fair Use Statement – Trademarks – Patents – Contact Us – Cautionary Notices

James M McCanney & Jmccanneyscience, LLC

Contact Us (below Copyright and Fair Use Statements)

Copyright Notice – All materials on this page and all other related sub-pages, social media, podcast platforms, authored publications showing the copyright notice noted as James M McCanney (or any of its variations) or jmccanneyscience (or any of its variations or related pages) including all Books (print and eBook), CDs, DVDs, Posters, Calendar Products and also including all radio shows, television shows both live and archived are copyrighted and cannot be copied or posted in chat groups, blogs, emails or on any other page, youtube or similar, social media pages or on any other medium in whole or in part in any format or form. Transcribing or paraphrasing is strictly prohibited. Any use requires specific written signed agreement with Jmccanneyscience, LLC and payment of fees – the radio and TV shows cannot be rebroadcast, transformed or transcribed in whole or in part in any form or copied on any medium and cannot be used to create content or commentary without specific written agreement with jmccanneyscience, LLC.  This also includes taking any materials out of context for commentary (see Fair Use Statement below). The materials presented are complex and require users to access all the information posted here, so the use of any portions of any materials for demonstration or commentary is strictly prohibited. The use of names or material to promote access to web pages or any other platform(s) is strictly prohibited and requires specific written agreement with jmccanneyscience, LLC.  Anyone or entity promoting interpretation of materials presented here will be liable for misuse of materials under copyright law in addition to liable/slander. Lack of response to requests for use or any other information does not constitute permission to use any materials. Lack of response means that you specifically DO NOT have permission to use any materials. Any person or entity that violates these terms of use agrees to pay $50,000 USD (or $2,500,000 USD if by an employee or associate of any government agency or company receiving government funding) and attorney fees plus additional damages imposed in court (see also Fair Use Statement below). Note that although scientific ideas of themselves cannot be copyrighted, the descriptions of scientific ideas ARE COPYRIGHTED. The materials found here constitute descriptions of scientific ideas and are copyrighted, including the prevention of use of the same using alternative language. If you wish to notify people of the materials, please list the URL to this page . See also Warning Note, Fair Use Statement, Trademark, Patent and other statements below.

Warning NOTE – Due to the great interest in materials produced by J M McCanney and the high level of borrowing and outright plagiarism this material has received from private and government entities including web sites/youtube channels or other social media channels attempting to use and in many cases to distort information, this warning notice is being posted. The copyright notice is noted above and the related Fair Use Statement is listed below. This is clearly posted on the web page and an “ignorance defense” of these “Copyright, Fair Use and related Statements” is null and void. By willfully ignoring the Copyright, Fair Use and other notices, you agree to the above noted fees to be charged to the person/agency/entity making the posting and the owner of the server / ISP and any web pages or other media posting this material, even if the materials are later removed. If you wish to refer people to this information post only the following … mouse copy only the URL link

Fair Use Statement

Fair Use Statement – Those wishing to claim “Fair Use” are limited to a single use of not more than 15 seconds audio or video clip (total time from a single clip only) from one of the radio or television shows or less than 500 letters (including spaces, symbols and special characters) from any text based information (including published books, CDs, DVDs or other medium) and must be accompanied by the hyperlink If an image is included, that image requires written approval in all cases (to prevent posting a negative bias image or other issues involved with posting an image). In addition to these Fair Use limits, all use by individuals, companies, government institutions or for commercial use require a signed written agreement with jmccanneyscience, LLC. Information cannot be paraphrased. The use of names and/or related materials cannot be used to draw attention and/or drive traffic to any other web site, social media site or other platform or media, such use is strictly prohibited (additionally see Trademark Notice below).  Because of the complex and extensive amount of material presented in many varying media, the use of short clips or other materials taken out of context for commentary is strictly prohibited and does not fall under Fair Use. The materials have been created are for the benefit of the reading listening public as well as professionals seeking information produced by Professor McCanney. This material is not for people/entities attempting to copy pieces and analyze it for commentary – such use is strictly prohibited and does not fall under the Fair Use clause of the copyright law. See Copyright Notice above for further restrictions. For any use by any entity (private, corporate or government agency) usage and charges must be negotiated and paid for any usage over the Fair Use limits. News media and requests for related materials are approved on a case by case basis. Use the contact email address for clarification and permissions .   Note that lack of response means that you DO NOT have permission to use materials.

Contact Us (for personal/business/news media/requests for interviews/event speaker inquires only – DO NOT USE FOR SEO or other web page solicitations – for Copyright Notice, Fair Use requests see notices above and Trademark Use Statement below)

Trade Mark – TM ® – Use Statement

The following terms are Trademarked and cannot be used in any form or format without specific license agreement through Jmccanneyscience, LLC. Additionally, these names cannot be used in any format to drive traffic to unauthorized web pages, social media or other platforms without the express written consent and license from jmccanneyscience, LLC.

  • JmccanneyscienceTM
  • (short URL for
  • JmccanneyscienceTM, LLC
  • Email addresses containing any of these require license
  • JMCC WING® – Farm & Ranch, LLC
  • JMCC WING® – Medium Commercial, LLC
  • JMCC WING® – Large Commercial, LLC
  • JMCC Water FiltersTM
  • J M McCanneyTM (related to published materials)
  • James McCanneyTM
  • James M McCanneyTM
  • Professor James McCanneyTM
  • Professor James M McCanneyTM
  • Electric Rivers to the StarsTM
  • Electric Highways to the StarsTM
  • Re-Calendar Sun Star ClockTM

Patents Statement

Patents have been registered and there are ongoing filings for products including the JMCC WING® Generator and other products. Information available to qualified investors.

Miscellaneous Notices and Contact Us Information

NOTICE from Professor James McCanney … I do not post on email or chat groups and do not have people who represent me in email distribution groups. If you have been a victim of an internet scammer pretending to “interpret” and email my information or hosting a web or youtube or social media page claiming to represent me, then this message is for you. If you want to know what I say regarding the ongoing updates on any of my research topics, this home page or other authorized professional publications that show the copyright notice are the ONLY locations to find my updates along with links from this page to other locations.

NOTICE … due to the EXTREME LEVEL of misinformation and distorted reporting on YOUTUBE – WIKIPEDIA – GOOGLE – CNN – – – – NOAA web sites and last but not least NASA web sites as well as many other outreach sites that are “filtered” by professional disinformation specialists, I must warn my listeners regarding what i now call “THE INFORMATION BLACK PLAGUE” that is permeating every fabric of your life. Literally nothing can be trusted on these sites especially regarding topics such as outer space or other things that potentially could affect your lives (what i call the REAL issues, not the plethora of non-issues you see on the controlled evening smooooze nooooze). Due to the rash of recent fake postings placing my name and distortions of my work on YOUTUBE please understand I DO NOT POST ON YOUTUBE nor do I host a youtube channel (caveat my TV Show “Master of Science” is posted on youtube by the network TV station hosting the show but is also available on about 20 other platforms). YOUTUBE has become a collection pit for every no name anonymous imposter wanna be and government disinformation agent. Trust nothing you see there. I ONLY POST ON MY OWN WEB PAGE and links that arise from my web page. All of my work here is copyrighted including my radio shows and i do not give permission to repost anywhere else.


I have always worked by myself without government funding or “sponsors” who would want to control my content. I only grant interviews with long term well known talk show hosts … just one example of many recent efforts to defame my name and work … recently government misinformation agents have been posting my name and chopped segments of my voice on youtube and other places and their controlled webpages refuse to remove these obvious forgeries … a listener did the research and identified a dozen radio shows from which clips were taken and pasted together to make a false statement about a “planet X object coming into the solar system” this is the extent people will go to in attempts to discredit me … no one has permission to repost in part or in any form my copy righted work … my books – eBooks – CDs – DVDs – Posters and other items such as the Re-Calendar Sun Star Clock are unique and carefully presented so only verifiable easily understandable information is presented to educate the public as well as trained scientists … beware of people selling “safe” information because NO ONE can predict the future … especially regarding mass disasters … beware especially of government postings regarding topics such as comets and this coming years events and note that this information goes through “filters” (professionals whose job it is to formulate public opinion and divert it from the truth) … listen to my weekly radio shows and past shows on the archive sub-page … we are living in strange tough times with very complex issues and science is at the hub of our past, present and future … i am posting this note of caution because the imposters – wanna bees and planted misinformation are only going to get worse … jim mccanney

Rules to contact me … here are the simple rules again … the only way to pass information is via the email address listed on this page and this goes through the screeners who follow certain basic guidelines …

  • no first name only or partial or anonymous or fictitious names (those emails are deleted off the top … you have to be identifiable as a real person)
  • no news letters or bulk email or email list email are accepted and those addresses are blocked and sent to national spam centers to add to black list the email address and server
  • I do not have “associations” with people emailing to this address and anyone who tries to continually send emails will be notified by the screeners and blocked
  • I do not respond to people soliciting private information about me
  • I do not respond to people claiming to be “reviewing” my work for commentary or posting (see Copyright and Fair Use Statements above for details this is strictly prohibited and does not fall under Fair Use)
  • the web page email address is for people to send an occasional email and feedback (for example suggesting a favorite topic to cover on a radio show)
  • people attempting to get me to read their theories or proof read a book or some such thing are blocked and told politely to refrain from continued attempts to contact me
  • I work essentially alone as i always have and have my own contacts and methods of working
  • I distribute my own work by my own distribution mechanisms and my work (and name) are not available for opportunists to try to use or make a fast buck (see the copyright notice above)
  • i only grant interviews with long term well known talk show hosts and similar entities
  • you have to realize that there is a continual barrage of people trying to get to me who are posing as average people down the street who just want to “chat” or others posing as “legitimate” news sources as well as opportunists trying to pretend they somehow have associations with me … these are blocked by the screening process
  • I only use the official email addresses posted with this and related web pages and never use gmail, yahoo or other general emails

I am seriously busy with my work and much of this is not made public until i make it public. I appreciate the many good people out there who respect my privacy and distance … the unique information you get on my radio and TV shows and shows where i am guest or in my publications are the results of this process … i have seen many people come and go in my now somewhat lengthy career … this includes some of the biggest names in science, radio and broadcasting … i have ridden over the lumps and bumps and still am on the leading edge of nearly every field that i am involved in … this is not by accident … once again i appreciate the sincere people out there who understand what i am doing and support my efforts through their attention and prayers as well as their respect for my privacy

PS there are generally 10,000 emails in this bin we try to read and reply to as many as possible based on the above “rules”

Contact email address is given at the top of this page.

If you have been a victim of people attempting to email you using my name or attempting to garner access to youtube videos or web sites using my name, please do us all a favor and report them to your ISP as spam and send us notice so we can deal with them from this end.